Liberica coffee is a species of the Rubiaceae and grows as a large strong tree, up to 32 feet in height, with large leathery leaves, producing cherries that are larger than those found on Arabica trees. The fruits and beans are often large but contain a tough, difficult to shell skin, hindering their commercial uses. Liberica coffee tastes more like coffee Robusta than like the more popular Arabica. Liberian Coffee accounts for around 1% of commercially grown coffee.
Liberica coffee cannot be successfully grown where temperatures dip below 32ºF for any length of time. It may succeed marginally in subtropical areas and adapts well to optimum temperature ranges between 65-80ºF. Liberica grows in part or full shade with well-drained soil.
The Liberica coffee was brought to Indonesia to replace Arabica trees killed by the coffee rust disease at the end of the 19th century. Liberica is a major crop in the Philippines and is grown in the provinces of Batangas and Cavite which are producers of a variety of Liberica known as Baraco.
Liberica coffee is grown in small quantities in Malaysia, Central and East Java and West Africa, but since demand for its flavor characteristics is low, only very small quantities are traded.