Coffee Packaging

Posted on: January 2nd, 2013 by admin No Comments

Material sciences are responsible for improvements in many technologies. Coffee packaging is one of them and it has assisted us by keeping roasted coffee fresh within its life cycle in the supply chain. At Barrie House we use what we believe to be state of the art packaging. We use heavy gauge aluminized-mylar bags on all packages and with one-way valves allow CO2 out, but no air in on all our larger packs. Used in conjunction with our 99.9% pure nitrogen flushing, this protective packaging keeps roasted coffee fresh far longer than other incarnations of coffee packaging.

The processes we use immediately fills freshly roasted coffee into the packages and flushes the package with nitrogen and then thermally sealing the  packages. An important additional detail is the one-way valve which allows CO2 (a natural by-product of fresh roasted coffee), to continue to escape, while not allowing air back into the bag. Without this valve, the bags would build up considerable pressure from the CO2 without a way to escape.  For our smaller portion packs we utilize a larger pack then traditionally required in order to allow enough room for the CO2 to expend within the bag while not adding the one-way valve.

Nitrogen is used because it both displaces oxygen as well as inhibits the growth of fungus or bacteria, both of which are a problem for roasted coffee. Displacing oxygen, however, seems to be a universally recognized benefit for longer term coffee storage.

These sealed bags can be stored at normal room temperatures, and will remain fresh tasting for many weeks, with little discernible difference from its original  flavor profile