Innovative Technology

Shaping the coffee culture and setting the tone of quality in the dynamic Single Serve capsule category is our mission. Barrie House is committed to focus enhancement on coffee quality through technological innovation with consumer convenience in mind.

Design Expertise
Barrie House has perfected the complex interaction between K-Cup® machines and our Single Serve Capsules with the goal of delivering the highest quality coffee. The innovative Barrie House Single Serve Capsule creates a balance between water temperature, flow rate, infusion, turbulence, brewing speed and pressure, producing consistently exceptional coffee for your enjoyment at home and away from home.

Revolutionary Design

  • Our proprietary technology enables custom brewing strength control
  • Capsule design customizes the brew process by adjusting water pressure, timing and flow rate
  • Custom turbulence-infusion design enables creation of frothy gourmet beverages and tasty coffees
  • Filter guard technology ensures no more messy brews guaranteed!

Our Single Cup Capsules were awarded Best New Product for 2014 by The Specialty Coffee Association of America. See full 2014 Winners Announced press release.

For use in the Keurig®K-Cup® brewing machine. Barrie House Coffee® has no affiliation with Keurig® Inc. or K-Cup®. Keurig® and K-Cup® are registered trademark of Keurig® Incorporated.